Selasa, 17 April 2012

Totally Spies

Totally Spies! is an Anime-influenced television series produced by the French company Marathon Production. Production began in 2001; in 2008 the show ran its fifth season. A movie based on the show aired in France on July 22, 2009. In December 2011, it was announced that a sixth season is currently in production and is scheduled to air in 2013




 She has medium-short, blonde hair with pretty blue eyes. She wears a red catsuit. Clover is a boy-crazy shopaholic and fashion fanatic. She always knows the latest trends and always makes sure she looks good. Mandy is her rival & they're always fighting about the simplest things. She goes through many boys in the show, and she cares deeply about fashion and designer paraphernalia. Her mom's name is Stella and they are almost identical in seasons 3-5. Clover sometimes comes across as rude, but is always there for her friends.

Sam has long, wavy orange hair which is part of the red head family, she has green eyes and she wears a green catsuit. She is the most intelligent, responsible, and practical of the girls, she is serious, worries a lot and is good at sports. She likes reading a good book besides being an outdoors kind of girl. Her favorite color is green and purple according to episode "The Granny" and since her spy outfit is green. She can play the accordion (her ability was taken from, then returned to her in "Scam Camp, Much?"). Her mom's name is Gabby short for Gabrielle who is almost identical to Sam in seasons 3-5.


She has short black hair styled in a bob, she is half Caucasian from her dad's side and half Black from her mom's side. Alex wears a yellow catsuit. She has brown eyes. Despite her clumsiness when it comes to gadgets, Alex excels in athletics — particularly in soccer. She is funny and always there for her friends. Though she is somewhat of a tomboy compared to Clover and Sam, Alex is just as eager when it comes to fashion and boys. She has a toy turtle named Ollie- he's her most favorite friend and she has had him longer than she was friends with Sam and Clover. Her favorite color is yellow as it said a two-part episode adventure called, "So Totally Not Spies". Her mom, Carmen, is almost identical to her in seasons 3-5. Alex became jealous of the new spy Britney in episode 44 "Alex Quits" season 2; although denying her jealousy to the others, it is still obvious when the new spy returns in future episodes.

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